Encore’s Danielle Mohlman interviewed PNW theatre artists and parents, including Pamela Campi Spee, Lindsi Dec, Dedra Woods, Holly Arsenault, and myself, for her March 2020 article “Cultivating Art While Raising Children: Parent Artists on How They Make It Work.” Check out the article at this link or explore the services of the Parent Artist Advocacy League referenced within it.
Behind the Design of Village's "She Loves Me"
"Elf" returns to Houston's Theatre Under the Stars
The scenery from the 5th Avenue Theatre’s 2012 production of Elf is making a return engagement this Christmas season at Houston’s Theatre Under the Stars. “Matthew Smucker's set design is a glittering eye-full, gliding off and on like a dream” writes D.L. Groover in the Houston Press. Tickets and details about the TUTS production are available here.
One final week to slay Dracula at ACT
Seattle Gay Scene writes that “[T]he gorgeous work on hand include[s] Matthew Smucker’s delightful scenic design which is centered on a huge wall of what are essentially coffins that move about in a fantastically terrifying way. And, Deborah Trout’s beautifully color coded costumes (white and cream for the “good guys” and black/red for Dracula and his minions). As well as Andrew D. Smith’s wonderfully dramatic lighting scheme and Rob Witmer’s very nuanced sound design and music composition which includes superb live music performed by an onstage Rachael Beaver, who also contributed music composition to this production. This Dracula looks and sounds like a million bucks and comes complete with lots of terrific stagecraft involving creepy coffins, blood dripping down walls, fun puppetry and all sorts of stage magic craft that delights and dazzles the eye and the ear. These elements are by themselves worth the price of admission.”
Artzone’s Nancy Guppy interviews playwright Steven Dietz on the Dracula set in the video below.
Tickets are available at ACT’s website, with the final performance on November 17th.
Rock of Ages now open at the 5th Avenue
Broadway sensation Rock of Ages is now open with a new physical production at Seattle’s 5th Avenue Theatre, with Starship’s Mickey Thomas and Seattle’s own Pickwick frontman Galen Dissten starring, along with a cast of local favorites. The show runs through February 24, with tickets available here. “Great casting all around. The whole ensemble truly rocks.” writes Seattle Pockets, “So does the lighting and set (the set has some fantastic built-in surprises, wait for it!). And the costumes and wigs deserve their own applause.”

Photos by Tracy Martin and Mark Kitaoka
Lauren Weedman returns to Seattle (but still DOES NOT live here.)
I'll be heading into tech next week with Lauren Weedman Doesn't Live Here Anymore at Seattle's ACT Theatre. See the promo video below, and get your tickets here!
With her hair bigger than ever, Lauren Weedman (and her alter ego Tammy Lisa) and her fine band are ready to take you on a journey of heartbreak, laughter and fresh starts. Lauren Weedman Doesn't Live Here Anymore Jul 20-Aug 12 http://bit.ly/ACTWeedman Video by MJ Sieber
Seattle Opera's Beatrice and Benedict to open on Saturday
Tickets and more information about the production can be found here on Seattle Opera’s website, while production photos and a deeper dive into the world of the design, featuring interviews with Costume Designer Deb Trout, Lighting Designer Connie Yun, and myself, are available below.
Dry Powder Nominated for Outstanding Design
The Seattle Theatre Writers have released their 2018 nominations for outstanding work in the greater Seattle area, and have honored Seattle Rep's Dry Powder with a nomination for "outstanding scenic design". Congratulations to all the nominees, especially the productions of The Crucible (both "excellence in the production of a play", and John Langs for "excellence in the direction of a play"), The Legend of Georgia McBride (Pete Rush for "excellence in costume design", Timothy Piggee for "excellence in performance of a play as a lead actor", as well as the whole cast for "excellence in the performance of an ensemble"), and actors Mari Nelson and Arika Matoba for their work in Into the Woods. Check out the full list here. The winners will be announced January 26, 2018.